Understanding and Addressing Narcissism in Ourselves and Others
A Jungian analyst and psychotherapist describes how narcissistic patterns can affect personal development and personal relationships.

What The Shadow Knows: What Part of Yourself Do You Reject?
In Jungian terms, the “shadow” refers to those aspects of ourselves we reject. Are there aspects of yourself you keep hidden, that only appear in your dreams?

Altruism, the Helper Archetype and Knowing Your Intention
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of all true art and true science.”—Albert Einstein

Denial: Telling Ourselves Stories That Hide the Truth
Why do we engage in denial? How can we recognize when we do it, when society does? Does denial always result in a negative outcome—or can it be a coping strategy?

Soulwork: The Role Archetypes Play in Jungian Analysis
In Part 3 of Dale Kushner’s conversation with Jungian analyst Kenneth James, they discuss how archetypes integrate the personal with the collective unconscious.

Write Your Own Fairy Tale
Fairy tales are simple stories that can serve as guides to the archetypal patterns in our unconscious minds. Use your favorite to discover and write you own custom fairy tale.

Mothers, Witches, and the Power of Archetypes
Why have witches always been with us? Learn how archetypes can help you cope with destructive influences.

Mother's Day 2015: Struggling with Being a Mother and a Writer
As Mother’s Day 2015 approaches, I feel called to write about a subject I’ve lived intimately, a subject I’ve explored in The Conditions of Love and is now shaping my new novel Digging To China—the conflict many women feel between their creative and domestic selves.