Latest Publications
Psychiatrist and Jungian analyst Thomas Singer on how dreams can reflect what’s happening in the world and can sometimes suggest solutions
Psychiatrist and Jungian Analyst Thomas Singer explores the different ways personal and cultural complexes affect us
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I like to stay in touch with friends and followers with periodic “Letters from Dale” where I share stories and news about upcoming events. Please keep in touch so we can stay connected.
Letters from Dale
Dale’s Books
The Conditions of Love
Debut Novel
Strange Attractors
“My Magdalene: Divinity and Desire”
Jung's Red Book for Our Time
“In Extremis: Jung’s Descent into the Language of the Self”
“Reflections on Eranos”
Dale’s Writings
Psychology Today
"Transcending the Past" - monthly column since 2014
Interview with Dale - Coming Soon!
The International Journal of Communal and Transgenerational Trauma
Myriam, Lebanon, 1993
Jewish Currents
"My Jewish Question, My Father"
Prairie Schooner
"Amour Fou" and "Unus Mundus, One World"