How Dreams Help Identify Areas We Need to Address
Jung proposed that dreams “appear as an expression of the self-regulation of the psyche.” What do your dreams say you need to address?

What The Shadow Knows: What Part of Yourself Do You Reject?
In Jungian terms, the “shadow” refers to those aspects of ourselves we reject. Are there aspects of yourself you keep hidden, that only appear in your dreams?

Soulwork: The Role Archetypes Play in Jungian Analysis
In Part 3 of Dale Kushner’s conversation with Jungian analyst Kenneth James, they discuss how archetypes integrate the personal with the collective unconscious.

Soulwork: Why Dreams Are So Important in Jungian Analysis
In Part Two of Dale Kushner’s conversation with Jungian analyst Kenneth James, they discuss the critical role of dreams in Jungian “soul work.”