Making Uncertainty Your Friend
Current research explains how our nervous system responds to uncertainty and offers ways to reduce the anxiety and stress of not knowing.

The Power of Naming: How Our Mothers Coped and How We Can
What’s in a name? Naming a problem confers meaning on what might feel abstract and vague.

Mindfulness for Women: Confronting and Overcoming “Othering”
"Othering trains us to place our reference point in others and ignore our authentic experience; mindfulness creates balance in our attention." –Mare Chapman

Can Mindfulness Bring About Real Change?
Dale Kushner interviews meditation pioneer and teacher Sharon Salzberg about the role mindfulness can play in the struggle for social change.

You Can’t Fail at Love!
Love need not depend on others. Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg shares advice on how to own your experience of love.

Exchanging devotion
The subject line of an email caught my attention last month: Devotional Exchange.