When World Events Invade Our Dreams
Psychiatrist and Jungian analyst Thomas Singer on how dreams can reflect what’s happening in the world and can sometimes suggest solutions

How Dreams Help Identify Areas We Need to Address
Jung proposed that dreams “appear as an expression of the self-regulation of the psyche.” What do your dreams say you need to address?

Dream Disturbances: The Healing Function of Bad Dreams
Jungian archetypes abound in fairy tales and dreams. What can we learn from them? What might they mean for you?

What The Shadow Knows: What Part of Yourself Do You Reject?
In Jungian terms, the “shadow” refers to those aspects of ourselves we reject. Are there aspects of yourself you keep hidden, that only appear in your dreams?

Murray Stein on the Eruption of Anger in Today’s World
Why is anger so pervasive today? Psychoanalyst and Jungian scholar Murray Stein explores the many ways anger manifests and what it means.

Soulwork: Why Dreams Are So Important in Jungian Analysis
In Part Two of Dale Kushner’s conversation with Jungian analyst Kenneth James, they discuss the critical role of dreams in Jungian “soul work.”

Can Dreams Be Prophetic?
Carl Jung and Abraham Lincoln experienced prophetic dreams during turbulent times. How might you tell if your dreams are predicting something?

Write Your Own Fairy Tale
Fairy tales are simple stories that can serve as guides to the archetypal patterns in our unconscious minds. Use your favorite to discover and write you own custom fairy tale.

Dreams and Our Need for Empathy and Imagination
How can we avoid the "failure of imagination" we ascribe to our inability to foresee an upcoming catastrophe. Could our dreams unlock the imagination and empathy we're missing?

Understand Your Dreams by Engaging Them Using Jung’s “Active Imagination”
Freud and Jung arrived at quite different conclusions about the meaning of our dreams; try Jung’s “active imagination” technique to begin to understand yours.

Dreaming Our Lives: Five Things Our Dreams Could Be Telling Us
What do our dreams mean? Jungian analysis contends that our dreams can help us solve problems and offer keys to our inner self.